23 yo | sensitive | cheerful | independent |

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


it has been almost a month since the last time i posted something.
i dont know what i have to write, what i have to share. i dont know if it's important for people to know.
it's about college things again.
i really hate of being here, i hate being student of this syt faculty, of this syt university. mungkin lo semua cuma bisa bilang gw payah, cuma bisa ngeluh, cuma bisa ngedumel. you dont know me ! i dont even understand myself ! mungkin lo semua termasuk ke dalam orang yang tahan banting, bisa manage waktu dengan baik, bisa ngatur emosi, tapi gw ngga ! gw ga sama kaya lo semua !
feels like it's only wasting my time.
lo tau ga sih gw ga pernah ngerti gw belajar apa, setaun gw belajar disini tapi gw ga dapet apa2 ! waktu gw cuma abis buat ngerjain tugas, tugas yang esensinya ga gw dapet sama sekali, tugas yang gw anggep cuma buat menuhin nilai gw. oke IP gw emang cukup memuaskan, tapi asal lo tau gw GA DAPET APA2 !!!! GA NGERTI APA2 !!!
i really wanna quit :'( if i dont care about my parents. the only reason why i stay is them. gw tau mreka pengen banget gw bisa lulus kuliah selama mreka masih mampu buat nguliahin gw. gw tau, gw tau bgt dan sadar bgt, that's why im still here.
and knowing that it will be more hard makes me much more down :'( mungkin mereka akan ngerti nanti, saat gw udah sampe di titik nol.