23 yo | sensitive | cheerful | independent |

Thursday, March 29, 2012


every woman, dreams about marriage.
i do dream about how wonderful my marriage will be,
i do dream how sweet my husband will be,
but i dont dream, how handsome or how perfect he is,
i just dream, he'll be responsible of my family
i dont dream that my wedding party will be held at gorgeous place
i just dream,
we'll be a perfect couple,
i'll be the most beautiful woman in front of him,
wearing white wedding dress
running down my tears when he says that words,
the words which bring us into a whole new world

i dont know that it is him,
but my heart says so.
i'll see,
we'll see.

Im just happy of dreaming all those things

Saturday, March 17, 2012

between the madnesses

you know, tasks have really made me crazy. totally crazy. everyday I have to do that syit things. when I havnt done one task, the other tasks will be given again and again. aaaaarrrrrggghhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!
but hmm...my madness about those tasks was a lil bit decreased after join music comunity yesterday, meskipun nyanyi ga bener bodo amat yang penting nyanyi.
and you know, we have a really talented guitar player, he's ka Ridwan. #TEPUK TANGAAANNNNN !!!!!!
hehe :p we dont hav to show him the chord, just let him to listen the song, then he'll play it ! uuu yeeaaahhh :D

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


"a decision that we've choosed, sometime makes us lost"

setiap orang pasti pernah salah, atau, kurang tepat, atau, menyesali keputusan yang dia ambil. ya. lalu akan  cuma ada beribu pertanyaan-pertanyaan bodoh yang terus muter2 di kepala,
kenapa dulu gw ngambil keputusan ini ?
kenapa dulu gw ga milih yang lain ?
kenapa dulu gw ga berani buat sekedar bilang apa yang gw mau ?
kenapa gw ngebiarin masa depan gw jadi surem gini ?
wajar, wajar banget. wajar tapi tetep aja susah buat nerimanya. awalnya gw yakin kalo ini memang yang terbaik buat gw, masa depan gw, tapi setelah gw jalanin ternyata sulit.
susah buat ngejalaninnya, capek, kalo kalian tau gw capek banget.
tapi demi kalian, gw rela membuang waktu gw, buat bahagiain kalian, biar kalian puas, biar kalian seneng. gw bisa apa lagi selain ngelakuin ini ?

bertele-tele, it's about college. again.
gw capek aja terus2an ngejar nilai selama gw sekolah tapi ga ada satupun yang melekat kuat di otak gw. gw sekolah cuma buat kewajiban, bukan kebutuhan. gw ngejar nilai karena untuk memenuhi standar. gw ga tau meaning dari tugas gw itu apa. gw kerjain asal2an, yang penting dpt nilai, yang penting IP gw bagus.
itu apa namanya ?
kenapa sih metode pembelajarannya mesti kaya gini ? ga guna ! u s e l e s s.
oke gw ngerti maksud dari petinggi-petinggi universitas tuh biar mahasiswanya mandiri atau apalah, tapi tuh...iihh..ngerti ga sih pak bu ???
tiap hari gw manteng depan laptop buat ngerjain tugas yang sejatinya ga jauh2 gw comot dari internet.

kuliah ga guna. atau mungkin belum.

satu sisi positif yang seengganya ngehibur gw, pengalaman. pengalaman yang bakal gw dapet selama kuliah pasti bakalan banyak banget. pengalaman organisasi, ikut ini ikut itu. jujur ya, gw tuh pengen banget ikut A ikut B, kegiatan2 universitas, tapi tuh kalo inget tugas yang numpuknya udh kaya gunung semeru langsung males duluan. kapan gw istirahatnya kalo gw terlalu sibuk ? IP gw gimana nanti?

mungkin ini dilema yang cuma dirasakan oleh gw dan temen-temen gw yang lain yang kecemplung di fakultas yang tugasnya amit2 bikin darah tinggi.

jadi maaf buat kalian yang mikir kalo gw kadang ga bisa tanggung jawab, gw cuma bingung ngatur waktu. gw ga bisa boongin badan gw kalo gw juga capek. capek sama tugas.

gw tau posan gw kali ini cukup ga nyambung, gw cuma mau nyampah ko. blog gw kan ? gpp ya maaf ya.

Monday, March 12, 2012

wherever we are, wherever we go, it would always be fun

everyone makes a plan. everyone does it. and so did we. as usual, if we hav a little bit more time to "take a breath" (hehe), we would make a lot of plans.
A: how if we go to the bogor ?
B: what about bandung ?
C: Great idea !
D: where are we gonna visit ?
B: I dont know
C: wherever, just go, then enjoy !!!
blaaaa blaaaa blaaaa.
too many plans, but never be done ha hah, that's us. it supposed not to be planned. just go, just do suddenly. then taraaaa ! it wont be cancelled.
Finally I had lunch together w/ awfa n weni. didnt need much money for transportation, didnt spend much time, but it was still fun :p

#a wish based on this post --> i hope someday we'll go to somewhere besides Detos or Margo. Amin.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Guess Where Were We ???


BOOOOMMM !!!! after college I did something new with Weni, taking photos in our beloved campus (-____-) which looks like kebon, hutan, taman, hmmm..whatever :p

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Last Saturday For A While

It feels so fast since you came
Came when I thought love is nothing
Catching me when I was alone with so much tears
Holding me when I didn’t know what my hands are for

You made me realize something
Realize that I still need you here
Realize that I’ll never let you go from my side
Realize that I don’t want to lose someone that I love

Why ?
Because I know it will be hard
Because I know everything starts with happiness,
But ends with so much pains.

I still want to see you laugh, see you smile, see you sleep
I know that’s only a dream
Why am I so afraid ?
Coz I don’t know what’s gonna happen to us
I don’t know if you’ll always be mine or not
I don’t know if you’ll find another better person in there
I don’t know if you’ll still love me,
When we’re apart
Sometimes I ask myself,
Why do I have to love you ?
Someone that I know will leave me
Even for a while.

But im just too afraid
Afraid of losing you
Afraid if I won’t have any right to love you anymore
Afraid you’ll be different
Saturday, March 03, 2012 4.13 pm

I’ve died everyday waiting for you
Darling don’t be afraid I’ve loved you
For a thousand years
I love you for a thousand more

#Christina Perri-A Thousand Years

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Singing Friday

last friday, i was happy. it was a busy day,tiring, it really was. but you know what ? i was happy because i could sing. sing for someone else, sing to be listened, not only for my self. i dont say that i wanna show off or somethin like that, i just wanna show them something, something that i really love to do. i really wanna be a good singer, who sing with heart, not only with a "shout". i never left this old hobby, i kept it in my blood since i was still at elementary school. i remember when i was in 6th grade, i sang in front of class, i was really nervous. i had to sing two songs. but what made me happy is that my teacher gave me 80, not a really good score but i was the only one who got that score, that highest score. 80 didnt mean that i won, that i fabulous, but it gave me so much spirit, until now.

that day, i performed with my friends at grand launching BEM (im the 2nd person who wore shocking pink skirt :p) it wasnt a great perfomance, i know. but hmmm...we've tried, as we only had a limited time to practice :p

thankyou for recording our perfomance, Lia. and thankyou for singing together w/ us -___-