23 yo | sensitive | cheerful | independent |

Saturday, January 28, 2012

she is,

She is a girl who never act. She is how she is. She does whatever she wants to do. She never care about people’s judge. Even sometime she’s not in the line. Haha. I always smile when I remember how frustrated she is when she got lot of tasks. She never did as soon as possible, she’s “Ms.Deadline” :D. For her, sport and games are the most important things in her life :p. and you know, she is the one who always fulfill her promises. Mm…sometimes, she doesn’t look like a woman, I mean she doesn’t act like a woman. She doesn’t like make up, mm..everything that’s really feminine. but she could be very sensitive when she remembers her mistakes to her parents :D

She is my best friend. One of my best friends. Damn I miss them so much.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

happy saturday

saturday nite...should be spent w/ someone special (re:boyf/girlf), but what happened to me is....i spent my saturday nite with my highschool friend Sinta...hahahahahaha :D yup, she is a girl -_____-
we decided to go to Kisamuaun -yup,you're correct again- for hunting some yummy foods in there...yuhuuuu

1st place --> rotibakar88 --> smoke beef pancake, indomie goreng kornet, 2 es teh manis

2nd place --> surabi Qita --> surabi ayam spesial, surabi keju, 1 botol aqua (we were two, you know wht it means :p)

3rd place --> 1 rujak es krim (lama2 makin ngirit :D)

actually we still wanted to taste the other foods...but, we were already really really full, we gave up !
lot of laugh, was a happy saturday !! :)

ps : if u go to there, u should only order one menu in every place

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Friday, January 20, 2012


halaman terakhir,

tlah ku tutup rapat buku ini
buatku ini akhirnya.
buatku terlalu sulit tuk membukanya lagi.
berlembar-lembar ku coba tuk pahami
namun sulit.
sulit untuk memahami buku ini
aku tak sanggup menyelami ceritanya lagi
sudah ku bayangkan akhir cerita yang indah,
namun berbeda.
ku tutup buku ini.

aku ingin mencari buku lain.
mungkin lebih indah alunan ceritanya

bahkan lebih sulit tuk membuka buku lain
baiklah, aku akan mencoba.

tapi hey !
aku tak ingin membaca akhir cerita yang sama
yang pahit,
adakah yang bisa meyakinkanku bahwa,
buku ini indah ???



H E L P :(

Thursday, January 19, 2012

life is my own way to enjoy its self

banyak orang, bahkan banyak banget orang yang ambisius banget sama pendidikan mereka. mm...gw ga bisa menentukan diri gw masuk ke kelompok yang mana. tapi yang jelas gw termasuk orang yang "go with the flow".

gw ga pernah terlalu ambisius buat meraih sesuatu. contohnya waktu gw lulus SMA, banyak banget temen-temen gw yang obsesi sama PTN. tapi gw ? gw dengan santainya sering bolos bimbel karena menurut gw PTN tuh bukan segalanya. gw cuma ga suka aja saat gw harus ngerasa kecewa saat gw ga bisa meraih apa yang gw mau. gw lebih baik pasrah tapi tetep berusaha karena gw yakin, "God knows the best".

tapi entah kenapa, mungkin karena Dia sayang banget sama gw atau kasian ngeliat gw down, gw selalu bisa mendapatkan semua itu dengan cara yang mudah..and I do thank God for that :) dan di saat yang bersamaan juga gw bakal sadar, sebenernya gw bisa mendapatkan yang lebih lagi kalo gw mau lebih berusaha.

but it's me,
gw bekerja bukan untuk mencapai titik maksimal, buat gw, bisa mencapai titik minimal aja udah bersyukur.
yaa...ada untungnya, ada ngganya..
setiap orang punya caranya masing-masing dalam menikmati hidup, ya ga ?


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Another Birthday :')

F R I E N D S ,
are the most precious thing in my life rite now.. Yesterday,  they gave me another birthday. SURPRISEEE ! they came when I was still in my dream -__- brought a cake like it was my birthday :D

there were some wishes...

and here are people who gave me that lovely cake :D
in my room   
taking photos --> is a must

...timezone time...
well, it was the 1st time we spent our times in timezone..as fun as going to the karaoke, rite ? :p

Weni.Gita VS Awfa,Lia

Me VS Awfa
Weni VS Lia
Weni VS Awfa
Me VS Lia
seeing Weni had a really hard competition w/ Awfa *LOL

playing WDK (We Don't Know -__-) 

and the winner is...ME AND WENI hahahaha :D (5-3) give applause everyone !!!!
*I dont know how I could win. Awfa was a damn good player u know ! hm

but yaa...I dont care who the winner was, the most important thing is, we got an impressive prize ! :) :) :)

I love them,
nothing can explain how much I love them,
okay, Im starting to be absurd -,-



Monday, January 9, 2012


hello everyone, sorry for not posting for a long time (not really actually, and who missed me ? :D)
mm, I'd like to show you this video, maybe this could tell you what happened to me..and beside that, I think you will like it..enjoy ;)

I dont know how his face looks like, but he really helps people who want to learn how to cover a song by guitar :p
he also covered the other songs (a lot), you can check it by clicking on the link below


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

ancol with 'em

heolaaaaaaa !!! you knooow ?? i went to ancol (not Dufan) with my friends hahaha feel like a fool walked around the beach but it was fun ! here are some photos of us that were already edited, i dont know why i edited these photos like this

my favorite one

God...please let me get into the same class again with them in the 2nd semester...amin..
love y'all <3