23 yo | sensitive | cheerful | independent |

Sunday, February 19, 2012

we've found our own new life, our new happiness

we've been together for many years, there were so many things we've passed together.
I know you wont forget all those things. I wont do so.
we've imagined a lot of sweet things for our future. marriage, family, work together as we're in a same field.
but now, we have our own life.
i have my own happiness, you too.
im happy for you.
i wish she could make you happier than what i've done to you.
you dont have to be worry.
I do have someone who loves me as you did, or more maybe.
Im really blessed of having him in my life. he is the only one, yeah, who could make me comfort. you knew that. you knew he always does it.
I wish she wont hurt you. i wish she's better than me. (for sure :p)
and for someone who have my love rite now, even though Im talkin about my past,
you're my future. I love you. I know it's hard to believe that I do.
trust me, I love you more than what you expect.


Saturday, February 18, 2012

what makes me so blue

few days ago, i felt so blue. I dont know. i just thought that everything I did was wrong, messed up. I dont know, i think every person has ever felt that way too. in bahasa called "gundah". I could laugh and then cry. I didnt want to do my tasks. i felt like i wanna be free. just free like a bird. I forgot that God has given me a bless. family, friends, and him. I never thank God. I always look at the higher thing. I never realized that I'm blessed. and now i know, that is something which made me so blue.
so I'll always thank God for everything I have.
thank God :)
I feel better now.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

gw ga jelas

again, for many times I feel this way. kaya orang ga punya tujuan. kaya orang linglung. kaya orang bingung ga tau mau ngapain. tiba2 ketawa tiba2 nangis kaya skrg.
td siang gw puas bgt ketawa sama lia weni awfa. tapi skarang ? gw malah sesenggukan nangis dikamar. I dont know what Im crying for. cuma ditinggal beli kebab aja nangis. bukan lah bukan karena itu.
otak gw udh kaya fly over tomang. simpang siur. mikirin tugas ga ada yg gw kerjain. bingung jg mau ngerjainnya. mikir ini mikir itu.
I still need you. ngeliat muka lo tuh bikin suasana hati jd adem banget.
so why am I crying ?
karena amanah yg kayanya berat buat gw ? komitmen ta. konsekuensi ta.
karena ga ngerti jd bendahara tuh kaya gmn ? ngga juga kan bisa nanya.
jd karena apa ?
oke gw ngerti kenapa weni belakangan ini sering banget sedih ga jelas. she didnt even know why she was so sad. also me.


I had been so down. I had been so blue.
but now Im shining again.
you know, when you fall, when you think that it's the end, there will always be someone who will catch you. give you something new, something better.
give you more careness and happiness.
give you another "something".
I do really thank God for giving me someone who gives me those things and them who always makes me laugh like a mad :D


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

don't try this at home

oke, ceritanya gini teman2. sore ini, karena gw anak yang rajin..gw berniat buat nyuci. sekalipun cuma nyuci (let's say underware or somethin like that). dengan penuh semangat gw nyuci. udah bersih kan...tapi, berhubung ada kendala teknis, lobang air yg suka dikamar mandi tuh..yg ada dilantai agak2 lama dan gw sangat tidak sabar nungguin busa2 itu cepet ngilang, gw berinisiatif buat buang air bekas cucian ke kloset. gw angkat ember gw dengan sekuat tenaga..tp apa yg terjadi kemudian temaaaaan2 ??????
salah satu kaos kaki gw meluncur dengan cerianya ke itu kloset. dan gw, entah bego atau terlalu jorok, reflek banget langsung nyemplungin tangan gw ke situ. kenapa ? jijik ? sama gw juga klo inget -__-
tapi apalah daya karena kaos kaki itu terlalu lembut, dia lenyap saat itu juga. mungkin skrg dia udah berenang-renang ria dengan tumpukan "sampah" yg lainnya.


ps : jangan membuang air bekas cucian ke kloset&jangan sekali-kali nyemplungin tangan kalian ke situ.

maaf post gw kali ini cukup menggelikan. jangan kapok baca blog gw ya.