23 yo | sensitive | cheerful | independent |

Monday, June 4, 2012

letter for someone

Dear someone,
I dont know how to say it. I don’t know how to begin. But, let me say sorry. Sorry for all the words that I’ve said to you, for the words that may hurt you. I really didn’t mean anything. You’ll never understand till you get the same feeling like I do. Love often makes us selfish, sorry.
And maybe this is why. But as I told you, I’ll do anything. Anything to make you closer. Anything that could make you mine. i don’t care with what people say about you.
Although sometimes, I do feel afraid. I don’t know how exactly your feeling is for me. I don’t know whether you’ll leave me someday. I don’t know if it’s just your loneliness, you just need someone who cares of you. I really don’t know. And I really don’t care. Let me be a foolish.
Every night, every second I stare at your painting. And it reminds me how your hand could make it. Your face, your lips, your smile, even I remember the movement of your hands when you were making it. Or, the face when you slept at my family room. The t-shirt that you wore which has a statement “a wise woman, choose ____ people for her husband”. I remember that. I remember when you asked me to make an instant noodle. I remember when you hug me and said I love you and you aksed me back. I also remember the pain when seeing you cried about your ill.
Maybe, it means nothing for you, or maybe you’ve even forgotten all those things.
I don’t care.
All I wanna do rite now is loving you without seeing your goodness or weakness. Dear, I want you to know that I really do.
But one thing, if you love me, stay. If you don’t, leave. That’s it. No matter how much I need you.
Now I also don’t care how many hours that you’ll have for me, i just wanna meet you, seeing your smile, even just a second. I do believe that you’ll never leave me alone. You’ll take care of me. I believe that.
I’ll see you soon, dear :*