23 yo | sensitive | cheerful | independent |

Monday, August 26, 2013

it's our 1st !

Today is my 1st anniversary with Veldy. Time’s running so fast I think. I don’t know what should I give to him on this sweet day, I don’t have any idea what should I buy. So, maybe better I write lil bit about him in this blog hehe, I hope you don’t mind honey :p
Actually at beginning I wanna make a video about us, but you know, my laptop got a trouble so I couldn’t edit or make any video, that’s why, at last I make a short anniv video instantly. Hehe. But it’s okay, it still looks sweet doesn’t it ? :p
So many things happened since we’ve been a couple. If you all know, I wasnt that into him like how I am recently. I’ve been through a lot of things, sucks feelings, and the other hard moments. But the hardest moment is when he got an accident. But that makes me learn a lot, yes, a lot. And I really really thank God for saving him, for giving him back to my hands, for giving me another chance to not to leave him, again. Because I don’t know if I could be without him or not. I need him. I really need him in my life. He is my every step. He gives me direction where to go and what to do.
Yanda, I love you very much. You’re the one whom I always want to share with, you’re the one whose eyes are really peaceful for me, you’re wonderful, your heart, your everything makes me in love more and more.
Happy 1st anniversary, my Yanda. I love you, I love you so much :*